(This continues my series of posts on the exhubris tools I’m building, to
enable more people to use Hubris in their embedded systems.)
One of Hubris’s strongest features is its ability to handle crashes in drivers
and other application logic. It leaves the specific crash handling behavior up
to the application programmer through a mechanism called a supervisor.
In this post I’ll look at why I made this decision, how it works in practice,
and walk through the exhubris supervisor reference implementation,
minisuper. (Spoiler: it’s very small.)
So in my day-job over at Oxide we’ve built this nice embedded operating system
called Hubris. If you follow my blog, you’re probably aware of it.
I also build a lot of embedded electronics outside my day-job, and people
sometimes ask me (often excitedly!) if they’re using Hubris.
The answer so far is “no.” This is for a variety of reasons, but probably the
biggest: it’s actually quite difficult to use Hubris for anything if you don’t
want your code to live in the Oxide Hubris repo!
I would like to fix this, to enable other teams to use Hubris without having to
coordinate with Oxide (or even publish their source code!). I’m starting by
trying to address the needs of a single friendly customer: me.
As of this week I have it working, in a set of tools I call exhubris. It’s not
by any means done (or all that pleasant to use). I’m going to write some posts
about it, to help me think through the design process, and (more importantly!)
to solicit feedback from my readers on where they think things should go.
This first post starts with the part of Hubris most users encounter first: the
application configuration file, or appconfig.
The embedded platform we’ve built for firmware at Oxide is called Hubris.
It’s unusual for a microcontroller operating system, and probably the biggest
thing that makes it unusual is its use of separately-compiled tasks.
Most firmware applications mash all of their task and OS code together in a
common memory space, which is simple and efficient, but can lead to subtle bugs.
Hubris instead places bits of code in their own isolated memory areas, where
they can run (and crash!) separately. This requires that each bit be compiled as
a standalone program.
The CPUs we target don’t have virtual memory, so each of these separate programs
has to be laid out at a known place in the address space. This introduces some
challenges, and has prevented us from “just” using an off-the-shelf build
This post will walk through the process of building a Hubris application from
source, from the perspective of the build system, and examine some of these
challenges and how we addressed them.
I’m continuing to reflect on the past four years with Hubris — April Fool’s
Day was, appropriately enough, the fourth anniversary of the first Hubris user
program, and today is the fourth anniversary of the first kernel code. (I wrote
the user program first to help me understand what the kernel’s API wanted to
look like.)
Of all of Hubris’s design decisions, there’s one that gets a “wait what”
response more often than any other. It’s also proving to be a critical part of
the system’s overall robustness. In this post, I’ll take a look at our 13th and
oddest syscall, REPLY_FAULT.
We found a neat bug in Hubris this week. Like many bugs, it wasn’t a bug when
it was originally written — correct code became a bug as other things
changed around it.
I thought the bug itself, and the process of finding and fixing it, provided an
interesting window into our development process around Hubris. It’s very rare
for us to find a bug in the Hubris kernel, mostly because it’s so small. So I
jumped at the opportunity to write this one down.
This is a tale of how two features, each useful on its own, can combine to
become a bug. Read on for details.
Last week I gave a talk at the Open Source Firmware Conference about some of the
work I’m doing at Oxide Computer, entitled On Hubris and Humility. There is a
video of the talk if you’d like to
watch it in video form. It came out pretty alright!
The conference version of the talk has a constantly animated background that
makes the video hard for some people to watch. OSFC doesn’t appear to be
bothering with either captions or transcripts, so my friends who don’t hear as
well as I do (or just don’t want to turn their speakers on!) are kind of out of
And so, here’s a transcript with my slides inlined. The words may not exactly
match the audio because this is written from my speaker’s notes. And, yes, my
slides are all character art. The browser rendering is imperfect.
I’ve also written an epilogue at the end after the initial response to the talk.